Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chase the Lion

As I continue my journey through "In a pit with a lion on a snowy day" there hasn't been one chapter with a quote or thought that hasn't challenged my current way of thinking. This book is amazing and came at a perfect time in my life journey. I was reading Ch 7 last night and it goes right along with the message Mark Beeson shared the week before last. Just some quotes to ponder from this chapter

Opportunity Stewardship
-Isn't it ironic that some people who have so much do so little and others who have so little do so much?
-Lion chasers don't let what they can't do keep them from doing what they can.
-Success is doing the best you can with what you have where you are.*
-Success is as unique as your fingerprint
-Grab life by the mane
-Lion chasers are the kind of people who rise to the occasion. Lion chasers are the kind of people who refuse to be intimidated by Moabites or Philistines. Lion chasers play to win. They fight for what they believe in. They don't live life sitting back on their heels. They life life on the tip of their toes waiting to see what God is going to do next.

The Reticular Activating System
-One of our greatest spiritual shortcomings is low expectations. We don't expect much from God because we aren't asking for much.
-Low expectations are the byproduct of prayerlessness, but prayer has a way of God-sizing our expectations.
-The more you pray the higher your expectations
-Cognitive categories
-We need to create those categories so we will notice anything and everything that helps us achieve those goals or answer those prayer.
-Opportunity costs
-Stay in prayer mode

*A dream becomes reality one opportunity at a time*

Make it a great day!


ANGEL said...

Wow! That was awesome!! Yummy food for thought :)

Enjoy the sunshine hon...


ANGEL said...

Hey...guess who loves you IxI?

Thanks for my vetavitavegamins :)
