Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Well, I had to go back to the dr yesterday... I'm still not sure exactly what I have- it very well could be that the 3 infections I had a month ago are just now working their way out of my system.
They did blood work (yes I dislike needles but the nurse was good) and then sent me downstairs to get some of these:
then the tech said... "well, we are also going to do a head x-ray to look at your sinus' so you'll need to take out your earrings and... oh, can you take out your nose ring?" What? I said, "Oh yeah I'll try to..." I had to take it out on the spot- it didn't feel so great but I got it out. It would have ruined the xray with a metal line in my sinus cavity. :)
Still waiting to hear back about a blood test. It had me thinking I needed to go back to the dr. when I went to bed one night at 7pm and didn't wake up till 1130am and was still tired.

If nothing else, I need some Holy Spirit strength to get through the next month!


Beth said...

I'm praying for you! I hope that you get over this soon; hang in there :-/

jeny said...

Any news from the doc? I'm praying for you. Thanks for the encouraging notes, I love you!