Friday, December 26, 2008

no more sloppy 2nds

So here is the story:
I have been through a few Dell laptops and it seems like they only work well for about 2 years- kind of like a car huh?
Well my wonderful Mother has purchased more than her fair share of computers for me and once one begins to fail she uses it until it crashes and she has given me the new one to use. Back in September I purchased an ipod touch and as they reassured me it was the 2nd generation (with speakers) I took it out of the package and sure enough it wasn't. What was my Mom's first response? "Well maybe I can buy it from you and you can order a 2nd generation from Apple's website." I thanked her for the offer, but I told her I would take it back. So I ordered it through to be used mostly for my clients and the more Mom played with it the more she liked it. She just had that smirk. I knew I had to get her one for Christmas. They don't have product(red) for the touch so I decided to get it engraved with Inspi(red) and in the end- I think she loved it! And what made me so happy is she was getting something brand new- no more sloppy second, hand-me-down whatever you'd like to call it. Merry Christmas Madre!


ANGEL said...

As you could prob tell by my "laugh-cry" this was a HUGE surprise to me and I sooooooo stinkin LOVE IT! iLove you beyond words!!!!!