Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sunday (17th)

Ok so I've got some catching up to do from this past weekend forward...
Its been a busy week- but good for the most part.
and so the pictures begin ;)

Lets start with Sunday:
After church, I went to the lake for Fathers Day and we were able to chill and go on a boat ride- 1st of the season for me :D
It was a beautiful warm summer day... and I figured if I conquered wearing a black dress the day before at Michael & Leah's wedding that was 95 degrees it would be fine at the lake considering you have "just a lil" h2o around for cooling off. Oh yeah, my Grandparents also have a real drinking fountain with some coooold water. Next time I'm taking my 32oz just so I don't have to stand around the fountain.

Mr Kyle patiently waiting for everyone to get on the boat

Um- we'll just leave this picture to the world of inside jokes!

Aunt Brandee, Kyle and Emmy

Daddy & Emmy enjoying the ride

Zach being "silly" (as always)

The older cousins


jeny said...

How fun! Looks like you all had a blast. When can we come?! Haha wink, wink.