Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Guilty As Charged

Dr Bob said the following last Thursday at New Community and he said it with such passion I wanted to take note of it.
(I had to listen to it a couple times to be exact in his quotation.)
You can watch the entire message online under "midweek"

"I believe in the blood of Jesus, the authority of the scriptures, Heaven, hell, angels and demons- the whole nine yards, but if I am a liberal because I embrace smokers before they've kicked the habit, or even if they never kick the habit, then I am a liberal.
If I'm a liberal because I don't call non-Christians "non-Christians" anymore, or pagans, or heathens, or unbelievers anymore, but instead I think of them as God's treasures next door... then I am a liberal.
If I'm a liberal because I've got friends who are Democrats, or drink, or have an occasional glass of wine, or are members of another denomination that's not mine, or even if I have friends who aren't Christians…
YET... if that makes me a liberal then I'm guilty as charged.
There are a lot of reasons I don't drink or smoke, but none of them are because I think I'm better than someone who does.
I don't love Jesus because He's my personal savior, I love Jesus because He wants to be the Savior of the World. And if you just keep turning people off because they have behaviors that you don't like or you can't stomach then I'm telling you: you will never have anybody to talk to and love to to Christ. And as far as I'm concerned the Bible says to "Be the light of the world and the salt of the earth" and friends, its time to get into the world and get into the earth. Into the real world where real people are dying without Christ."

WOW-what an amazing servant of God!
Hope today is going wonderful for you*


ANGEL said...

DB ROCKS!!!!!!

Thanks for blogging about that because I needed to hear it again!

Thanks again for taking the girls down for me...u r the best!

jeny said...

Wow, that's really great. It goes a little with our Sunday School class about Christian citizenship.
Thanks for posting it.

No, I didn't take the picture . . .wish I had! My baby won't hold still enough. I've been trying to get a really good shot of her foot/feet. Oh well.