Saturday, September 22, 2007

a whirlwind week in review (blessings only)

I'll post more of my thoughts later but for now here are bullet points of blessings for the week:

*The potential cold/allergies are gone for the most part
*Vitamins work wonders-even if I do have to take 7 of them ;)
*Started the new job with some great people- it was a long night with info overload-but good
*Placed at ND and have been in communication with some wonderful people
*Met with a new friend who I've learned so much from- what a fun night Christi!
*Some new photography opportunities
*A freshly cleaned/waxed car (shown below) Thanks Mom for the help!*The day I couldn't finish an assignment the prof didn't have us turn it in (whew)
*Butterflies (the significance is for another post)
*Transition to yet another new busy schedule-the vitamins will help with lack of sleep
*Spending time with the Conner & Kyle who are just getting over pink-eye (hopefully I won't get it from them!)
*A day off-today!

I have a lot to be thankful for!


Christine said...

What a week, Brit! I hope you enjoyed your day off. Even though ND lost again! ugh. oh well, life sweetly moves on. There IS so much to be thankful for! xoxo